FREE Online Fitness and Yoga for the Unemployed

FREE Online Fitness and Yoga for the Unemployed

We need to help people. We have already seen how badly this COVID-19 pandemic is hurting our economy. This is only the beginning in Australia. The health system situation on its own is horrific, but outside of that, our friends and family have all been affected by job losses, businesses closing, lively hoods vanishing. The lines outside Centrelink are painful to see, and that must be nothing compared to the internal anguish that so many of our community must be feeling right now.

Davey Black Sports Performance has always been about putting peoples health AND wellness first. We, along with so many other small family run businesses, have been forced to close our doors for the safety of our community. In the grand scheme of things, this is the correct decision. It hurts, but it’s the best thing to slow the spread of this virus to our susceptible loved ones, and to reduce the pressure on our health system.

It hurts to see our friends and neighbours hurting so much. With so much fear, grief and sadness spread throughout our community, we are offering FREE online community Running, Yoga and Fitness sessions for anyone who is struggling to make ends meet. There is a platform processing fee of $1 per month, but that is the only cost. When you sign up for this membership, you will have access to 5 Yoga sessions and 2 Strength and Conditioning or HIIT sessions plus full access to our Running Club (while we are still able to run outside) every week for 3 months.

It is vitally important to stay fit and healthy and stay connected to others through these hard times, so the amazing owners and staff are donating their time and services to provide these important opportunities for the worst affected in our community.

I have to give the biggest shout out to our Triathlon Club Melbourne, Fitness Studio and Yoga Studio Elsternwick staff. Avril Burbidge, Estefi Maiztegui, Sandra Vulic, Hannah Bevan, Natasha Dunn, Nestor Rivera, Louise G and Andrea Ramos Angarita. These amazing humans are the heart and soul of Davey Black Sports Performance. Despite everything that is going on in the world right now, they have adapted to online training in just 24 hours. They have kept up the spirits, flexibility, mindfulness and fitness of all of our members while the great unknown is going on around them. Now they are offering their skills and talent to provide a health and wellness outlet for those suffering the most. Thank you all!

Please let anyone who has lost their job know there is an online community of fun, fitness and yoga waiting for them.

To access this 3 month membership package, please email with your request and he will send you a link to sign up. There is a $1 processing fee each month for the 3 month contract, but there are zero other costs. You will then have access to sign up to our online booking platform, and a Google Meets link will be sent to you before every class to sign in and meet up with your coach/teacher and other community members.

Stay safe, stay fit and stay connected. We will get through this apart, but together.

Performance Coach Steve.

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