Davey Black Fitness was created by husband and wife team Steve & Marie. They had the aim of providing a safe, supportive and effective training option for anyone who needed a guiding hand towards their health and fitness goals, regardless of their current levels.

We believe that everyone deserves quality, professional coaching from highly experienced fitness professionals at a reasonable price. We don’t add all the bells and whistles to hide our weaknesses. What you see is what you get at Davey Black Fitness. We take fitness and make it easy and accessible for everyone. We offer decades of experience, years of study and training, and proven real life fitness gains.

Being fit and healthy in today’s fast paced, fast food world takes determination, dedication and planning. The Davey Black Fitness group was created to cater for anyone of any fitness level who wishes they could be a little bit fitter than they are today, but struggles to find the time to get out for a run or make it to a class. Time is precious, so don’t waste it in a gym or with someone pushing their fast, easy, cheesy system on to you. Let Davey Black Fitness take the fitness and time that you already have and build a program and support system around your schedule and needs to get the most out of the free time you have available.

We specialise in pre and post natal training, offering routines that are safe, functional and interesting to maintain your fitness throughout your pregnancy, and help you to get back to where you want to be post pregnancy.

We understand that life is busy. We know that you want to get home to your family. We empathise that you have to get back to the office and finish your work for the day. This is why we design our sessions to make the most of the limited amount of time you have available to exercise. Every session is specific, dymanic and targeted to your needs.

We understand that you want to spend time with your kids, so we have classes that are kid friendly. Bring them along and train while they play, or even get them involved in the session.

Davey Black Fitness… it’s Fitness Simplified.

Fitness For You

Only you have the key to unlock your potential. The key to reach your goals. The key to dream big.

Davey Black Fitness aims to provide any person of any ability and any fitness level with the tools and suppport that you need to get you started on your own personal health and fitness journey.

Tools For You

Davey Black Fitness works outside the normal hours of most fitness professionals.

We understand that you can’t finish work at 5pm. We know the kids aren’t asleep until 7:30pm. We understand that you travel for work. That’s why we offer so many options to help you squeeze a little bit of fitness into your daily routine.

Support For You

The Davey Black Fitness team are not just passionate about health and fitness, we are most passionate about helping YOU reach YOUR goal.

We want you to succeed, and we will be here for you to answer any question, change any program and provide all the help we can, whenever you need us.

People For You

Davey Black Fitness coaches are a small team of highly qualified and hard working professionals.

We are parents, corporate world, factory floor, studying, pregnant, time poor, mortgage owning, coffee drinking, normal everyday people.

We understand life, and we understand you.