Simple Ways to Optimize Your Life for Better Mental Health

WRITTEN BY: Brad Krause, Writer/Owner Self-care is one of those things that many of us know about but few of us practice. We know that healthy eating, exercise, positive thinking, and reducing stress is paramount to our wellness, but other priorities...

Homemade Sourdough – Creating The Starter Culture

Have you ever wanted to make your own fresh, preservative free, healthy and nutrient packed sourdough? If you and your family enjoy good quality bread, you could be spending over $200 per month on your favourite loaf. We’ll show you how to make bakery quality...

Tri Club Testing Week

With our new 4 week training cycle, the Davey Black Triathlon Club athletes will undergo 4 weekly testing for Coach Steve to use the data to better tailor each individuals program to suit their specific needs. The duration, distances, and method for each test will be...

Tri Club News

QUICK NEWS – TUE 5th JUNE WHO IS DAVEY BLACK?: Davey Black has been trying to find itself as a business and identity recently. Thanks so much to Anna Truong and Charlotte Forbes and their team of experts, the future is looking good for the club and studio to...

Triathlon Club Awards Night

The Inaugural Davey Black Triathlon Club Awards 2017/18 Season Congratulations to all of the Davey Black Triathlon Club athletes for the seasons they put in this year. Every single athlete improved, PB’d or ran an amazing race at some stage throughout the...

Efficient Pedal Stroke

EFFICIENT PEDAL STROKE How to Ride Faster with Less Effort BY PERFORMANCE COACH STEVE DAVIS Pic Credit: Troy Doolittle (Pintrest) Pedalling a bike must be the easiest technique you can practice in triathlon. However, to make sure you are pedalling efficiently, you do...

Performance Training Camp

BOOK NOW Triathlon Australia Performance Coaches Des Gooda (Des Gooda Coaching -Tweed Coast) and Steve Davis (Davey Black Triathlon – Melbourne & Ireland) have joined forces to put on a Performance Training Camp from the 3rd to 5th August 2018 on the Tweed...

Sleep for Recovery and Life

This article is adapted from research by Coach Steve (BSc Microbiology, Psychology, Nutrition) as a Biomedical Science student at UniSA and a year long project while managing large numbers of rotating night shift employees at a FMCG company. The human body (as well as...


Race results for the Challenge Melbourne Triathlon Sunday 22nd of April signalled the final race of the inaugural Short Course Melbourne Triathlon season for the Davey Black Triathlon Club. It has been a huge season with every athletedeveloping skills, strength,...

ANZAC Day 100 Melbourne Triathlon Cycle

This is a free ANZAC Day group ride for all members of the Melbourne Triathlon community. “Melbourne Triathlon” was created in 2018 to bring together Melbourne triathletes and Melbourne triathlon clubs to share resources, race and train together and build...


Good Earth have teamed up with Davey Black Triathlon Club & Fitness Studio to bring you a great price and a perfect chance to help raise funds for the club with the Melbourne Kombucha for Melbourne Triathlon Fundraiser. Funds raised will go towards the running of...


2XU Melbourne Triathlon Series Race 6 The Davey Black Triathlon Club had a big day out at the final race of the 2XU Melbourne Triathlon Series in St Kilda on Sunday. The weather was amazing, the course was flat and fast and athletes had the choice of the Sprint...


SWIM TECHNIQUE COURSES Performance Coach Steve will be running several Swim Technique Courses starting Thurs 26th April at MSAC Utilising photo and video analysis from above and underwater with slow motion and easy to see movement pattern changes, you will develop...


GOOD FRIDAY 3k – OPEN WATER SWIM The inaugural Good Friday 3K Open Water Swim; Meeting at Elwood SLSC at 6:30am Good Friday morning for a 7am swim start as the sun rises. Swimmers will follow the yellow boat markers from Elwood to Brighton and return, with the...


Davey Black Triathlon Club will be hosting a 3km Open Water Swim from Elwood to Brighton and return following the Yellow Boat markers. There will be multiple safety marshals out along the course on SUPs, Boards and Kayaks keeping an eye on all swimmers. The swim is...


Making you a faster athlete At Davey Black Triathlon Club and Fitness Studio we deliver you to the start line in the best physical and mental shape possible. We do this by utilising our strength and conditioning sessions in our very own fitness studio. Our tight knit,...


All the latest news from the Fitness Studio and Triathlon Club This week’s issue includes: The Amazing Members of this Squad – Correctly Fitting Your Kids School Shoes – Public Holiday Monday – A Davey Black Bundle – Male Only Fitness...


All the latest news and events from the Triathlon Club and Fitness Studio Gels: What? When? & Why? – Male Only Fitness Competition – Open Water Swimming All Year – Ironman 70.3 New Zealand – Corporate Games Triathlon – Welcome New Athletes – New Team Masseuse –...